
Friday, 6 December 2019

Black Ferns

Black Ferns and All Blacks 

I disagree that the Black Ferns get less paying then the All Blacks because Black Ferns is part of the All
 Blacks the only thing that is different is that the Black Ferns are girls and All Blacks are males that's not fair just because the Black Ferns are different gender than the All Blacks. The All blacks get more money then the Black Ferns I think it will be best if they all get a equal payment because we are all kiwis and the Black Ferns are working so hard just for us all new Zealanders so I disagree with the 'gender pay gap'

Black Ferns pay: NZ$45,000 ($32,000).                All blacks pay Rugby: $150,000 pay day . Awaits World Cup-winning All Blacks
Image result for black fernsImage result for all blacks

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

The Water Project

The Water Project.

In Africa over 300,000,000 of people are really indeed of clean and fresh water people are dying
because/ there is no water and without water by now we would have been like them but we are
more blessed than ever to have fresh and clean water about Every year 3,575,000 people die
from water related diseases. This is equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every hour. Most of these
people are children 1 to 8 people in Africa is walking around looking for something or anything to
drink all of that wasted time walking back and forth collecting dirty, polluted water that's killing them. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Monday, 2 December 2019

Friday, 20 September 2019

Day 1 at Treaty grounds in waitangi

On Monday Rm 7 and I went to treaty grounds first of we met Christ and Magnus and we were throwing the ball and if you catch it we have to tell something about our self It was pretty cool to get to know about Christ and Magnus.

I was happy that I got to know them after we went to a whare huihuinga and saw an amazing hake and learn more about moari people like moari people do their haka as their emotions after we went to waitangi grounds where hone heke first signed the treaty and visited james busby house and learned about him for like an half an hour.

after we have finished we went to the museum and learned about why they signed
the treaty and even who was the one who found New Zealand history.

Then we headed out to the bus and crossed by the ferry to our camp sight and played a little activity then we went in our cabins and packed our things away so when we go to sleep it is already sorted after we packed our bags we had headed to the common room and had dinner which was fish and chips.

When we have finished eating our dinner we wash our dishes and dry them and pack them away we went to go and brush our teeth and went to our cabins and sleep.